The Fight Club #100DayChallenge | Days 26-50

The Fight Club #100DayChallenge | Days 26-50

On the 25th of July after pumping my last set of squats I hung up my towel having just concluded successfully the first 25 days of the #FightClub100dayChallenge. I waited for my team to catch up, but just as I started to relax, they checked in for the second batch. I...

Broken Ankle Workout

Broken Ankle Workout

She is a pro-volleyball player who injures her ankle white defending a winning shot in a recent competitive game. She had to experience the game as a spectator from the sidelines while her ankle injury was addressed prior to a mad rush to hospital for some much needed...

Leg Day Workout

Leg Day Workout

'They call me Dancing-With-Kettle-Bells' because I do it so well' Today is leg day. A good leg workout not only challenges you but works on ALL those leg muscles in one full session. This workout may take a little over an hour depending on your fitness levels, BUT if...

Ready For Change With Samantha Mogwe

Ready For Change With Samantha Mogwe

‘Ready to change’, became a very popular line from a track by Samantha Mogwe some 2 years ago when she collaborated with Zeus (BW's finest rapper) but it was by no means a reflection of the person that she was at the time or whom she is now. Especially because...


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