Broken Ankle Workout

Broken Ankle Workout

She is a pro-volleyball player who injures her ankle white defending a winning shot in a recent competitive game. She had to experience the game as a spectator from the sidelines while her ankle injury was addressed prior to a mad rush to hospital for some much needed...
Leg Day Workout

Leg Day Workout

‘They call me Dancing-With-Kettle-Bells’ because I do it so well’ Today is leg day. A good leg workout not only challenges you but works on ALL those leg muscles in one full session. This workout may take a little over an hour depending on your...

Face Off!

This month, we are pushing the limits. Pushing the limits of what you think is possible for you. This month, you will not only face your fears, doubts, limits and beliefs but you will ALSO encounter your potential, realize your dormant strength. you will encounter...
Ready For Change With Samantha Mogwe

Ready For Change With Samantha Mogwe

‘Ready to change’, became a very popular line from a track by Samantha Mogwe some 2 years ago when she collaborated with Zeus (BW’s finest rapper) but it was by no means a reflection of the person that she was at the time or whom she is now. Especially because...
Training At Fight Club

Training At Fight Club

The scene opens in an underground bar parking lot, 10 or more men form a circle, within, a character played by Brad Pitt who is also a second persona of an unknowing Edward Norton is getting into it with an unknown opponent. There are but 2 rules in Fight Clu “ 1. Do...